Monitoring Temperature, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, Rain, Wind, UV, Solar Radiation.
Includes solar powered air aspirator for the temperature and humidity sensors.
All station data is copyright material and intended for personal use only.
The data collected for this site is unique to Owen Sound rather than Wiarton, which has the nearest official Environment Canada weather station.
The station is situated close to the Sydenham River near Harrison Park.
In operation since: 2006-11-01 (6685 days)
Station Power: Console - 12 VAC / Sensors - Solar Panel / Aspirator - Solar Panel.
Station On-Board Memory: 2,560 records
Update Intervals...
Wind speed: 2.5 to 3 seconds
Wind direction: 2.5 to 3 seconds
Accumulated rainfall: 20 to 24 seconds
Rain rate: 20 to 24 seconds
Outside temperature: 10 to 12 seconds
Outside humidity: 50 seconds to 1 minute
Ultraviolet radiation: 50 seconds to 1 minute
Solar radiation: 50 seconds to 1 minute
Software: • Programming: Arduino IDE
• Web Interface: ThingSpeak IoT
Process: • The ModeMCU sends real-time data from the Ultrasonic Sensor to ThingSpeak via Wifi and IP uplink.
• ThingSpeak logs and charts the data every 60 seconds.
• Owen Sound Weather Central scrapes live iFrame data from ThingSpeak and displays it graphically.